Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

Where have you been a trailblazer?

Maybe that’s a better way to ask

(You don’t need to be the first to do something to be a trailblazer imo, you just need to be the first to go hard for it)

I think I was a trailblazer on MarketableCatgirl


That was a while ago please show me

I’ll do it later

remind me in a few hours


I really should not be looking at phone rn

Don’t text and drive

ill re-evaluate Ultimate and Clone
if they’re both villagery then I plan to blow up bellcat once my detonator reloads in ~10 hours
if you dont want me to do that then stop me you have plenty of time to do so


wait for bell to blow up clone

didnt these posts kick off the market wagon

waiting for bell to blow up clone is the most optimal way of playing so we don’t waste time

you’re still going to get the clone detonator if you blow up bell

so don’t waste time and just let bell detonate clone

theoretically speaking yes
bt if i find cloned successfully as a villager my ego doesnt want bell to blow them up
not that i’ll fight this but

you see that’s why I don’t want you to blow up bell

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I exist
I see things have happened™, and the game isn’t over, so this is not omega poggers

We seem to be getting to the point where it’s severely unoptimal to kill me
even more than me just not wanting to die
It’s now a 4v1, and if I get blown up we go to a 3v1, and then unless you guys hit exactly right, we lose.

Also, I am almost certain on Ultimate being town. I need to reread, but everyone who has been shading them/pushing heavily for a kill on them needs to be re-evaled, stat.

wait what
im bad at counting lmfao

I thought only two people had died but apparently cellcat disappeared without a tres