Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

turns out I’ll still scumread your short posts when I don’t know who you are

that’s gold

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I wouldn’t say that postgame but I like bullying people who technically aren’t lock mafia in thread because if i’m wrong it’s funny and if i’m right it makes me look smart

realistically you actually played p well

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that kill on cellcat hurt me so much

and i wasnt even playing the fucking game lmao

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I feel that

Quick, what percentage of the site is gay

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Blizer ily



fuk u

I think I might’ve been able to carry if I didn’t do that stupid deto at the start
but at the same time you guys were just
so obvtown
like there was very little chance of both hissing and ultimate dying before me without me detonating


/Denotate :flushed:

This sure was a game of Short Fuse

why do i still not know who nyarchmage is

it can’t be chloe right
they arent typing at all like chloe but that 'fuck offfffffffffff" is very chloesque

You’re cringe

yeah you were put in a pretty unfavourable postion

F for both your wolf mates being frozen super early

they have 729 posts

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lmao nobody tell her


and katze is a host

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katze i cant do the thing