Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

Why thank you!

games bastard confirmed

i want to push buttons blow up player
boom boom

I don’t just want to do things I do do things


kinda sus tho

i made my first post in thread 3 minutes ago and i already have zero wim


“This is insane! Do you really expect any of us to go along with this!?” Nerdcat speaks up

"Seems like plenty of other people are going along with it."

Nerdcat then explodes into a rain of something we definitely can’t show on television.

Nerdcat has been blown up! They were a…

Town Catgirl


Vanilla Town

After defeating the doggirls, you have finally established yourself as the superior domesticated animalistic humans.
But now, they’ve finally moved to take their revenge, and they’ve planted bombs to back theirselves up, too!
Fortunately, you’ve all devised a great plan to defeat them. Planting even more bombs!
At any point during the day, you may choose to kill the player seated in front of you by submitting /detonate in thread. You must wait 24 hours before doing this again.

You win when you defeat the doggirls.

very tempted rn tbh

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you know
maybe id actually play the game if you guys actually showed me that its not a complete waste of my times

But you won’t

excuse me sir this is an anonymous catgirl short fuse

if it lasts longer than two days we’re doing it wrong

/vote Nyarchmage @Italy @Amelia

God forbid we play a game anywhere close to optimally because that’s just not funny is it


Exactly! ^-^

ill wait for exactly 24 hours before nyarchmage says “haha detonate goes brrr” and blows me up too

okay that’s not the intended outcome but here we go I guess

Wait did people know about that