Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

lol where did I “perspective slip”


if we’re using perspective slips then you should have been sent to the shadow realm by now

Also stop calling my townread of wolf “agenda” and go read the damn slot


this doesn’t stop nyarch from having them tho

i did stop tho

Yeah by adding a strikethrough

I read wolfcat and felt literally nothing

@GamerCatgirl look

CloneCat has a history of making really rushed, not-thought-out, terrible vig shots

Them making one here isn’t damning

In your opening where you were soley focused on justification of your detonation without making any reads, which is wolfy because a villager perspective would have at least a vague amount of desire to gamesolve
When you did start making reads, they came at a point where it felt like w!you “remembered” that you were supposed to be making reads

When Ultimate entered thread, you felt like you were trying to buddy them instead of actually solve them

on both of these you retconned your perspective to be not a perspective slip and I was not convinced


Very cool

i don’t think you were meant to do that

That’s literally wrong

I’m a villager and had no desire to gamesolve I just blew somebody up

I’m not outing anyone’s identity or publicly speculating

Just stating something about them

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

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I think me and nyarch going back and forth on my read on them is

  1. unproductive
  2. draining

so im just going to stop for now
wow how epic

Your mistake is assuming there’s no way I would blow somebody up without having read literally any of the thread because “villagers wouldn’t do that”

Good villagers wouldn’t do that

I fully acknowledge that you could be a villager doing that
I’m wolfreading your progression following that