Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

I don’t think that is the point they are making

I never claimed to be good

Oh, cool

and yes I know “progression” is the wrong word here
just scroll up a few posts and I explain it in detail so im not doing it again

Walk me through this one again?

I know you commented on it at the time but I was preoccupied

this is the first post you make towards ultimate
there’s a new player in a villagery thread and you try to offhandedly get them to discuss reads with you
instead of like
showing any effort to solve their alignment like a lot of other people in thread at the time are doing

and yes you may say “reads discussion is a way to make someone easier to read!!! !!”
but Nyarch asked that offhandedly, and just didn’t follow up
idk it makes more sense to me in context than me trying to explain it

this thread is anything but villagery
but i like this read

it kind of looks like nyarchmage was being dismissive rather than cooperative

will be back in a bit

valid take

Because Ultimate didn’t follow up lol

I ultimately got what I was looking for from them and Clone going at each other instead, which happened almost immediately

i have decided that nyarchmage is either a very obvious villager or a very obvious wolf

a decent person wouldn’t do that

I never claimed to be decent either

Also arguably Clone is no better

Even though they read their target hadn’t posted

>a decent person
>a decent player

Yes I read that

ok but


I think they think I didn’t understand what they were saying