Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

Anyway my WIM is already zero

Have fun bye

what the hell is this even supposed to be lol

you get the detonator in front of you in 24 hours

Why did i think for a second people might actually try this game

I can get behind this vote tbh

That was dumb

a cat with a mug

I see no mug

And, believe me, I have studied pictures of catgirls quite extensively :3

Oh shit

Nah you know I’m not scum because with that rule I’da just hardbussed out the gate then blew up town later

we can just nuke nyarchmage and clonecat and pray to god they’re openwolfing wolves instead of the alternative

Why not like

Cat Burglar

Huge missed opportunity


How do you know mafia haven’t already detonated
if that were the case it wouldn’t be lylo, even if all 3 took town detonators

Whoever said this guy TMI’ed is onto something

Anyways did anything worth reading happen before I showed up

/vote CellCat tbh

oh wait
that’s what clonecat already meant

-start copypasta-

Whether we win the game or lose the game is beside the argument. You detonating in your first post, if you are a villager, is probably the worst single detonation in the history of detonations that I have ever seen, in my entire life, in 3 years, on MU, on POG, and I’ve been a host for 2 of them and played dozens. It is potentially one of the most anti-town actions I’ve laid my eyes on in my entire WW career. It is atrocious, dumbfounding, and inexcusable, and close to the border of gamethrowing. And sullies your entire effort to the game, so that your biggest contribution to the game is one in which you are literally indistinguishable to an outted wolf whose team has been decimated so far. Indeed, if you are a villager then wolves got an extra wolf, meaning that YOU ALONE are responsible for making this setup wolfsided. Think about that for a second.

-end copypasta-

So then why am I still alive?

I’ll take a life to keep my own :thinking:

thats literally not how this works