Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

I can expect people to give the bare minimum of decent play and still have fun

do you think this is fun? especially if you are town? just straight up derailing the game knowing it’s a completely stupid move?

If you’re mafia you then well played I guess, if you are town you are a selfish fruitcake who needs to take a step back

I made a risk-reward calculation and took an action I don’t yet regret



What calculation were you doing lmao

You can literally end me at any time if you actually think I’m red here so idrc what you think about my attitude lel

this discussion is getting dangerously close to getting toxic and I dont want to go there

I will take your risk-reward calculation and shove it where the sun does not shine.

Christ almighty you’re a true and total walnut

I’m fine fwiw

Bash away :slight_smile:

I dont want Nyarch to feel psychologically cornered or anything but I’m legitimately upset right now

I’m not and won’t

Unlike you I actually like using my brain, because whatever the fuck risk reward calculation you have doesn’t make it any less okay to not wait 24 hours to detonate

Literally none of you are capable of making me feel bad lmao

I’m sorry.
I wasn’t taking this game very seriously, especially as its precursor did not seem to get taken very seriously, so I assumed that to be the norm on this site.

that doesnt make me want to try lmao

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Unless I want a second detonator :thinking:


Which predecessor?

Short Fuse, which someone mentioned earlier.

That was me

coolio ty