Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

I don’t

I need you to stop insinuating I’m being egotistic when in actuality you were never paying attention anyways so no shit I’m upset

I’m not saying that

At least I’m trying not to say that

I’m saying you’re taking the game personally and that’s not healthy

I’ve done that before and it’s made me feel like shit

You don’t have to play today

you can just ignore this game for a while if you need a mental health break

brah get over urself
like im sorry, i was wrong in a mafia game

but you are not the only player

quite a few had voiced a dislke of cellcat
and realistically your “lock clear” was not as strongly voiced as you are making it out to be

I felt like I was going to get bombed and thought that cellcat/clonecat was a faction of players likely to contain a wolf

I did waht I felt was the best plan

I think ego was the wrong word

It’s just I get where you’re coming from

And I think you need to step away from thread for a bit

ftr im slipping a bit on UCG lock clear cuz this lecture seems like something a wolf says to a sad villager but like

ur being overdramatic

I’m not just upset you guys killed an obvious-to-me villager

I’m upset you both have me as top town and didn’t even talk to me about it

And are now trying to make me out as a bad person for being mad at that

If you’re town this is actually just an awful approach and I’d encourage you to reflect and not do this ever again

Jesus Christ I’m literally not even doing that

you were not close to top town before it

your reaction is what has lock cleared you

Bellcat is like
but their reaction to their cellcat deto reeks
its the same stuff i said about nyarch which makes me doubt my read there but
I dont like it

I’m literally just saying take a break from thread


the way i did it was a bit tactless but hissing’s bomb is running down the clock and realistically I can tell that you were already far down the frieght train of “it’s only ever bellcat kill bellcat”

i am here
nyarch is here
ultimate is here
bell is here
clone is alive but not here

ultimate and clone are people I need to actually evaluate here
although I’m tempted to sheep v!bell on ultimate here so /shrug

12 hours is a long time and you had to have realized killing my top town was only going to make that view stronger



and realisticaly I’m one of if not the top town for every player that is not you

the only reason i’m not bullying you into f2’ing with me is beacuse I don’t think you’re going to come around and have a loooot of thread influence

nyarch all I’m trying to say is take a break from thread for a bit until you feel better

if I said anything that hurt you I’m sorry

nyarch are you still holding a v!clone read

I feel fine