Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳


Which is my issue

are you sure

this has happened to me before in games and I was definitely not fine

nyarch is a fair bit above you for me
with both marketable and mine flipping how they did

I’m not you though

I did just as much if not more to put marketable and mine in the grave


i am you :flushed:

You wish you were me

nyarch was on them from the beginning while you pivoted on them once thread consensus was piling and their slots were looking less and less salvageable

@UltimateCatgirl i thought you liked fighting

why try to stop people from doing it

all I remember was bell boxing them in

maybe i would be if i detonated marketable in my first post

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I like it when people argue with me

I don’t like useless fighting/dick measuring

Argue may be the wrong word

Debate is probably better

okay mr dangan ronpa

alright look

I don’t know who the last wolf is. Probably clonecat.

Either way, I’m very strongly confident on ultimate and you being v.
If i’m wrong on ultimate then myyyyy bad

but this makes the best endgame plan by far

Honestly should re-eval clonecat


okay gtg bai
will dive clone and ultimate later probably
if all else fails I can blow up bell and let nyarch/bell take the blame if the wolf is clone/ult

not that the rest of thread is fine with this plan bt

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