Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

let bell blow up clone first at the very least

Wasn’t you plan to do that last

hissing is not acting like how I’d expect wolf hissing to act in this situation

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i hit the ‘u’ key twice and it took me to post 1610
how epic

I don’t want bell to get blown up

But I want clone gone at the very least

Frankly I don’t have enough experience with wolf hissing to judge

If you’re going to propose you kill me first for whatever arbitrary reason, just cuz you think i suck or something

then fine

but if you’re going to make an endgame plan for that then make it

My plan is

You blow up time
I blow up clone
you blow up me

and that’s the game

If we get to F3 and ultimate pops me I’m going to be quite cross

This plan garuntees the win if the wolf is in me, clone, or hissing

so from your PoV it ONLY Fails if ultimatecat is w

if people really want to kill bell then the plan should be

bell blows up clone

hissing blows up bell

we kill hissing

if we go into f3 with me and you then then I’m lock clear right

because if I was the last wolf I’d just kill you

My point is those are mechanically identical


ok but I don’t want to kill bell

it feels like a betrayal

also I think it’s just easier to kill clone/hissing

this is mechanically identical it just takes longer


We wait for you to reload either way

I mean fair

i’m also fine with that plan but in the case of HTV wolf it wastes 12 or so hours

now realistically I think it’s just clone if imma be fully honest but im a gamer

I’ll take a leisurely stroll through looking at clone again at the very least