Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳


Way to hawk literally my entire solve


I think we force marketable to bomb minecat and if they refuse we bomb marketable and elim minecat

minecat killling wolfcat is not a concern of mine, I think the reasons for clearing wolfcat are extremely pepega and i’m fine if they take that slot out

That’s dumb but fine whatever

calm down buddy, this isn’t a dick measuring contest lul

even if we’re right i still didn’t blow up a villager on my first post without reading so I take home the title of better player and objectively better person sorry

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Okay, mine was on my like seventh post so I’m a better person than Nyarch and less of a coward then you :3

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im gonna legit go to sleep, will be p busy tmrw but will try my hardest uwu

again do not blow ppl up plz

It’s a catgirl theme

Yes it is

unpopular opinion
timebomb is wolfy

/vote MarketableCatgirl @Amelia @Italy
boom bye frozen wolf
ok i’m leaving now.

i reserve the right to not listen to your towncore unless and until you flip village
given youre deep in my poe and for good reason
no objections to flipping marketable, and probably none to minecat but i’d need to check

Pretty lukewarm opinion, actually.

Pretty meh vote, actually.

I’m not scummy tho and I don’t even know what a frozen wolfy is…

I think they just meant that they’ll bomb nyarch before their detonator cooldown refreshes

Anyways I’ve gotten a chance to ISO the list so here’s a my reads as of now

Ultimate:- slight townlean I very much agree with their thoughts about clones playsyle so far. Plus their hunting method and pressing Nyarch, Hissing comes of as townie.

Hissing:-Townlean. They’re reactions to the double detonation and frustration felt genuinely townie. Them getting suspected for TMI seems weak, especially since they only implied that the wolves could have taken 3 town detonators and not that they actually took any. Also I honestly just like the vibes and how they have questioned others so far

Bell:-town as one can be~

Gamer:- townlean. They were the first one to start scumhunting and has tried to drive the convo forward with their initial read. I don’t agree with their initial reading against me but I can see where its coming from. Also bonus points for actually having the restraint to wait and bomb someone

Minecat:-Minecat:-null. I wanna say that they are acting twtbw but they haven’t super commited to that degree. They’ve just been memeing so far from their posts

Wolfcat:- Null. I understand their vote or Nyarch and clone but their suspicion towards hissing is unusual since they haven’t said anything particularly scum-indicative at that point. Otherwise they seem alright

Cellcat:-Slight Scumlean. Them attacking hissing based on a possible TMI just felt opportunistic. They are interacting and voting but at the same time, I don’t feel like they’ve given of any hard reads and such despite that.

Clone:- scumlean. They so far just seem to be going with the flow and arguing semantics. They’re detonate just felt very much opportunistic after the Nyarchs one, more so since their target hadn’t even showed up. Also I don’t really like their follow up on that interaction

I don’t mind bombing them at the current state although I’m gonna wait till atleast 24hrs or so pass

/vote CloneCat @Amelia @Italy

I’ll be back in a few hours.

…you’re missing somebody

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try a mirror

Okay, this person doesn’t know what to expect from this game, alright, got it

Also how the fuck do you not have a read on me

I’m literally more than a quarter of the thread