Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

Real town would let me get another detonator :sunglasses:

But gamer is in both
Why did you change mine and marketable to bell and hiss


I haven’t

oh right, you meant one of these is with mine and marketable

i thought you meant this was a team itself


I mean all three are in my PoE

So I could see it I guess?

Still I think we probably just lose in that world

i don’t think bell or hiss are wolves with mine and market

if mine and market are wolves the third is probably just a random irrelevant slot

Plus Bell has genuinely been playing super well if scum and it makes me not want to go there unless flips point in that direction

/vote MarketableCatgirl


…we gonna talk or no?

nyarchmage is v because their thought stream doesnt seem like they have a conscious end goal in mind

it feels like theyre just giving their exact thoughts

marketable feels like theyre just trying to not piss off anyone/give any controversial takes

hot take

town control-a’s

why are you referring to yourself in the third person

I’m referring to your reasons

You opened the game with a detonation and danced around it weirdly afterwards, and needed to be reminded in order to start making reads
You’re focused more on presenting your existing reads as a fact of the gamestate than updating them (your weird interaction with ultimate, trying to create a towncore all by yourself instead of letting villagers find it themselves)
Your read on Wolfcat looks like forced agenda

I’ll listen to your reads if you flip villa

this is specifically for people other than Nyarch to respond to
Nyarch has done it a dozen times already in a way that doesn’t change my read in the slightest

As I said, abysmal reasons

The fact you’re still using me exploding somebody in my first post as a negative when I have 253 other posts is honestly abysmal

At least you are providing other reasons but like I still expect better from you if town :man_shrugging:

That’s probably more insulting than I mean it to be

I just think that reason in particular is real bad

You still cool