Catgirl Bomb Nightless: Burnt Tail - Day 2 (4/12) Town win 😳

The villager reads I’m most confident on are are Nyarch and Bell

nyarchmage is my number one villager

my preferred kill order is ultimate>clone>hissing

also this is a weird ass post

He’res a plan I find likely to work:

(all in the span of 24 hours)

Cell kills clone
I kill cell
Ultimate kills Nyarch

that leaves me/hissing/ultimate alive, with hissing having the det on me

I’d rather not kill Nyarch

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Really not

i don’t want ultimate in f3

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if I assume nyarch is straight up cleared then the game becomes a lot easier

you are the most killable slot
except for arguable clone

nobody has actually given a reason for why I should be in the PoE

I’ve actually done shit this game

Just because I haven’t 2000 posted doesn’t mean I should be in PoE

you haven’t done anything meaningful and yes you haven’t 2000 posted
you are poe by literal definition

why am I a killable slot

i have you as one of my 2 endgame clears

what are you on about

I have done meaningful things

I was one of the first people to scumread marketable and mine

I need this for my ego back me up here

But seriously though

You cant actually just put me in PoE and say I haven’t done anything

That’s just blatantly not true

just backread lul

Just because I’m low efforting doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything

you’ve done the least