Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

mixing up orange/napoleon for geyde is a thing i certainly did do

good job guys
you catgirl’d well

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Why the thing game will be shit

Until I replaced out and things in my life went to shit :upside_down_face:

you really done did


I guessed Chibi = Marshal and joycatgirl = min right away.

Three posts

One after they deleted the other two

Min was

Really obvious


i learned how to Not Host
i was a bit too chatty, will work on that :+1:


ive never played with min

dont blame me


imagine speculating on alts even in ur head
can’t relate

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yeah, i feel like the thing game might end up being townsided on this site lol

Wait, the hosts lied about a replacement no longer being needed?

I mean I guess you did also delete one of your own posts lol

you fool
you should ST BotC where you actually can do that

i will be lock trochi in my first post dw

No they subbed in Napoleon for me

No no

Who they were

Also I was talking to pigeon

yes yes i did