Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

i had no idea who any of the other players were, except for min who was obviously joygirl

do it again
it’s great

do you remember what happened the first time


I think I just misunderstood it as “that person no longer needs to replace out”

Tbf I’m fucking terrible at altspec


@Chloe professional advice

Lay off on the trigger-happy deletions tbh


just don’t have chaos

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this game was worth it for the meme potential alone

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Just don’t try, EZY.

leaking scum/specchat ig



the rule was edited pregame and was an error that could have completely ruined the game

Another town win I should add.
Mind you they hammered the last mafia after hammering multiple townies before then.


Why do you think I joined under the condition that no rules change

I’m all about nightless mountainous

you say that like its a bad thing