Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

you said i didnt drop the argument between me and chibi

when i did

i have proof.

75% kidding

Whereā€™s the lie? I donā€™t see one.

completely unrelated to the topic at hand?

itā€™s also a matter of perspective but whatever
that discussion is spent

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no it isnt

youre arguing im jester

i have proof why youre arguing in bad faith.

i am really tempted to just replace out now or smth because this is infinitely more frustrating that literally anything else i could be doing with my time
i need to calm down because i am angry
not irrationally angry tho

there is a post in my ISO where i drop the argument

this post is a falsehood.

nice ATE

itā€™s a matter of perspective
plus that was a 1-second response post

no it isnt

i am not budging on this.

i am merely stating my frustrations so i can calm down

then there is no point in arguing about this

can we move back to what we were doing before now

how is this post not dropping the argument.

sure, fine.

read on @nekomancer

iā€™m going to say something
there is difference between saying a lie and saying something false
at the time i completely believed my statement
because i put 0 thought into it
it is false, though.

the inherent problem with our arguments is that we have different definitions of a lie

and the topic before was
the read on nekomancer
it was me defending my accusation

Will you two quit with the arguing already? Weā€™re playing Catgirl Jester Nightless, not Argue Among Us Jester Nightless.