Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!


Iā€™m saying you give me ā€œobvious jesterā€ vibes

You are trying to look like a jester while being scum to me

Because no jester is this obvious

but how am I jester.

im literally trying to solve the game, how the hell am i jester

Youā€™re not jester

I believe you are scum trying to act as a jester so you are not voted out of fear


theres an actual flaw in your argument

@joycatgirl if I was doing that strategy it wouldnā€™t actually work.

because then Iā€™d just die on day 4.

You are literally doing it again

I didnā€™t say you are a jester

Iā€™m saying youā€™re scum acting like one

its why Cats is either town/jester and therefore we never yeet him. Any sort of ā€œscum pretending to be jestersā€ strat inherently doesnā€™t work because of how jester works.

look for the love of god please

if scum was pretending to be jester, why would they do it

they would just die on day 4

Itā€™s bold of you to assume this game will last up to day 4 imo

your argument doesnt work since we would kill all jester candidates on day 4/day 5

Ok, I see.

Youā€™re not scum pretending to be jester because jester would die d4 and once jester dies we will just kill mafia? ok

/unvote @Trochilidae @Italy


any sort of strat were the mafia pretend to be the jesters does not work in this setup

anyways, im going to bed

I am sorry if I offended you, I donā€™t mean to do that at all

I think posting a lot is fine and donā€™t care if u post a lot.


im gonna try to post a bit less tomorrow

Hiya ^-^

Iā€™m so disappointed about my flavor :slightly_frowning_face: I wanted a cute anime girl!!!

Instead, I am the one, the onlyā€¦ Girlcat :sob: