Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

Accused Voting Votes
Nekomancer Nyan-chan, Girlcat 2/5
ChibiCat CatgirlCopvig 1/5
joycatgirl ChibiCat 1/5

Hi, I am here now and m backreading~

This is a good post, and from it, I can conclude that Girlcat is a cat with 66% probability~

Ohoho! Iā€™m curious~

Out of over four-hundred posts, why did you choose that one?

Also, I hope your sleep was pleasant!

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Mostly because I started backreading by scrolling up, and not down~
Thatā€™s probably not viable long-term.

Mmmā€¦ I suppose nyat! I think I last saw you somewhere around post 80ā€¦ perhaps you should start reading from there?

Joycatgirl is natural in thread and has good takes that I agree with mostly so far.

They are a cat-read >w<

Donā€™t forget- not only are you manually breathing, youā€™re also manually blinking, manually swallowing, and hyper aware of the fact that your toes are probably touching each other, and your tongue doesnā€™t sit comfortably in your mouth! ^-^

When I read this the first time, it didnā€™t work because I was tired and didnā€™t actually comprehend it it.
When I read this the second time, I skimmed past it because I had already read it.
When I read this the third time, I started breathing quickly and irregularly for ~no reason

I understand Joycatā€™s take about Nyan feeling overperformative?
I donā€™t have a solid dog-read or jester-read on that though

I donā€™t really like this post

Neko doesnā€™t really look too good to meā€¦ I feel like theyā€™re just trying to look for the jester for some reason

This reason could be that they donā€™t have to look for scum because they are scum

Nekomancer is like, eh
Definitely has a lot of wolf equity, but Iā€™m not entirely convinced. Iā€™ll go read their ISO again I guess >-<

This post feels like it could (?) come from a Dog who was fake-solving, but realized they needed to try to dodge the Jester? I feel like a Cat would be less likely to just. abstain from voting. because from their point of view, 2/3 of the non-cats are dogs~

Oh god these posts really feel like a Jester
I am convinced not to vote out Neko for now >.<

Thatā€¦ doesnā€™t really make sense to just discard them as jester, I feel? :sweat_smile:

Baka-neko Chibi CatsTM Copvig
Nyan - Medium Jester Equity, Medium Dog Equity
Neko - High Jester Equity, Medium Dog Equity

We canā€™t simply go ā€œthese people are scummyā€¦ well, everyone who is scummy can be a jester, so we just wonā€™t go for them! :slightly_smiling_face:ā€ and be proud of ourselvesā€¦