Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

(Unless I was in like the final 3 or something)

why did you feel the need to say that

Because I wanted to

Chibi was the one who had me go further in detail


thats like the most valid explanation i think you could have given

im sorry these things feel exactly opposed to me.

Is there a degree where you donā€™t want to die? is it like you donā€™t think its that big of a deal if you die, but still donā€™t want to?

im gonna hop off now

ill come back when im ready to play FM again





i dont think i get more out of this convo but i dont really get it

I guess iā€™ll put you fully back in jester PoE and call it a day and eat fucking sour patch kids

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Joy cat

Thatā€™s fine

I will depart for a bit

thie past few excanges marks the thread being dead for 5 hours glgl

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I think that Joycatgirlā€™s thought process felt natural there
Chibi has upgraded to probably just a cat off that interaction
Iā€™m starting to come around to liking Baka-san and am wondering if all the wolves are just not in thread lol

Arguing is always counterproductive to the town since it only helps evils.

Why though

Girlcat Joycat Baka
Nyan Copvig CatsTM

when is EoD

While youā€™re here, where are your reads at?

all of these are (?)s
nyan-chan jester
chibi cat jester if nyan is not, otherwise town
joycatgirl null (have not read previous 100 posts because i was offline and noticed that EoD was gonna be soon)
everybody else is null

or at least
i think itā€™s going to be soon
donā€™t actually know

/vote CatgirlCopvig @Trochilidae @Italy
Iā€™d need to re-evaluate their jester equity, but tomorrow probably.

Are nyan/chibi your entire jester PoE? If one is jester, is the other not mafia in your eyes?

i would elim one of these two if i had to choose now

Kinda feel fine with CatTM and Neko

ChibiCatā€™s logic is probably my favorite at this moment, more than purrs, and I can follow along their process

Neko seems alone in thread
Not that I care for this observation though itā€™s not AI in a two-mafia setup

the worst posts are still these

But neko sitting on 3 votes, so :man_shrugging:

im fine with this rn

/vote CatgirlCopvig