Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

Accused Voting Votes
nekomancer Nyan-chan, joycatgirl, Girlcat 3/5
CatsTMGirl CatgirlCopvig, ChibiCat 2/5
CatgirlCopvig purrelywholesome, Bakeneko 2/5
purrelywholesome nekomancer 1/5
Not Voting CatsTMGirl 1

So first, an apology: although i tried to play this game to the best of my ability, my parents have recently learned what a ā€œcatgirlā€ is; as such, my activity might be significantly less

Lets start with these:

First, i completely disagree with what nyan-chan is saying, althoguh this may be just a difference in philosophy. There is no hunting for ā€œnon-jesterā€ plays because those dont exist, and itā€™s more than optimal for scum to act purposely jestery as to continue living/throw off town.

But second, i want to look at nyanā€™s interactions with CatsTm:

These two spend a good 100 posts or so arguing about something very trivial, on whether each other is the jester. I find it weird that they arent really arguing that each other is the scum, since thatā€™s what i would expect from town. This leads me to believe that at leadt one party is pushing gor pushingā€™s sake, thinking a heated argument will prove their towniness. Hey, the more you get called jester as scum, the better

My point still holds in that they might still be teammates, since their srgument was not around whether each other was scum, rather that each other was the jester:

ā€œOh theyā€™re probably just jesterā€ is going to be a very common theme for scum to pull in this setup, and i see it happening here

  1. You could say that ā€œnon-dogā€ plays donā€™t exist, because itā€™s more than optimal for dogs to act purposely like cats
  2. Itā€™s literally not optimal because if both dogs do that then they just get snapcuddled D4 D5 and we win

If everyone else still doesnā€™t think that Neko is the Jester then Iā€™m okay with voting them out
but we really can afford to play it safe here

So like
I allow it to exist but I wonā€™t vote there for now

My PoE is very tight here so Iā€™m probably being pocketed by someone u_u

Inner PoE - Neko Copvig CatsTM
Outer PoE - Nyan

Nyan is just there for the sake of reads shock and probably isnā€™t even actually PoE
But if the dogs donā€™t flip in the first set then thatā€™s probably where Iā€™d look first?

And then thereā€™s Jester stuff but Iā€™ll look at that later maybe

Hello everyone

Whoā€™s dying :joy_cat:

@Bakeneko do you have a good feeling on the type of player Nyan-chan is, and just their general style

and if so do you see why I think their approach is villagery

(I think it is even minus their general style but iā€™d expect a player of their style to have a different approach and I want to see where you are at with this)

I was busy for an extended period of time but it doesnā€™t seem like thread really went anywhere

I think so


you caught me just as i woke up :upside_down_face:

Iā€™d expect their approach in this case, if mafya, to be a lot more bells and whistles then seriously rusting feathers. Iā€™d Nyanestly probably expect a similar level of antagonistic but I think the fact that thereā€™s serious conviction behind the posts is >ryand villager. Thereā€™s Gamer in the posts but itā€™s backed up by something tangible

as inā€¦ possibly following consensus reads?

No? Thatā€™s nyat what I meant by bells and whistles. Iā€™d basically expect them to be super performative if mafya without much actual substance in the forms of pushes but I donā€™t see that here.


This lack of nyactivity is concerning and I think if we donā€™t consolidate + pump it up for EoD shenyanigans bad things could happen, you know?

good news
i am here
bad news
neko wagon is justified after reading ISO

There needs to be some semblance of order in this game because, as it currently stands, it is super scattered.

Who I think we should kill today:

Nekomancer is fairly likely not jester when looking at these posts.

this extreme defensiveness and insistence that they are town is just not something iā€™d expect from a jester. Possibly one thatā€™s playing it up but considering how I think this player plays I donā€™t think they are nyactively attempting not to be jester-read here. Iā€™m atleast 95% confident on this specific read, pretty far above =rand.

I think when you look at nekomancer on a macro, their posts being overwhelmingly focused on the jester is ?probably? mafia TMI leaking through. Mafia can still solve for the jester and the only time thereā€™s ever conviction behind reads is when itā€™s on specifically jester reads. The style of these jester reads are what iā€™d expect to come from this kind of player when looking at mafia reads as well, but itā€™s not really existent.

The slotā€™s reads on mafya are all over the place and have 0 progression and 0 reasoning. I normally wouldnā€™t even be concerned about 0 progression and 0 reasoning but their reads have swapped around a lot. Thereā€™s no tunnel behind it, no fire.

I think if we want to bag a mafya and put ourselves at an advantage, this is the yeet iā€™d go for.

Who I donā€™t think we should kill today:

CatgirlCopvig has little to go on but I think their jester equity is reasonably high considering game events.

I donā€™tā€¦ really fucking believe this at all but I think in the world that itā€™s fake its likelier to be jester purposefully justifying their own inactivity and slot in the PoE.

I can see reasonably how they came to the conclusion but I donā€™t actually think the logic holds water and has some serious holes.

This highlights the idea that they are pushing for pushingā€™s sake, which is a reasonable thought to have, but it immediately assumes that itā€™s because they are wolves doing theatre when, like, you could also very easily get to one of them being jester with that conclusion but that never is mentioned, which is weird because it outlined a decent premise but missed the mark when coming down to it. I find this lack of thought about the jester unsettling in that it might be TMI outright that neither are the jester. Meh.

Who else iā€™d be happy to see die today:

CatsTMGirl is very unlikely to be jester for reasons iā€™ve outlined. I disliked their very nitpicky pushing on NyanChan, felt decently bad faith, I gtg soon so you donā€™t get a wall on this one :slight_smile:

@Girlcat @joycatgirl @Nyan-chan @purrelywholesome @CatgirlCopvig @nekomancer thoughts? Check ins?