Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

ok then
quote it, add to it, pull it from memory, whatever
It’s not like I haven’t seen it
I want to hear you say it again, and to actually be consistent, to fully explain your reads before tunnelling

i claim inq

free win pls

this is like the funniest thing said in thread so far

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Not really. It uses logic. Cuddling you will give us more info.

Fair enough
the wagon always just defaults to Neko here because they have ~no Jester equity I think

i claim confirmed neutral bus driver

catstm kidnapped my family and forced me to run over neko

please i need to see my family again

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Like I said, I’m tired of repeating myself and constantly being ignored time and time again.

either neko is lolcatting or they’re being purposely obtuse
either way my work is done for now, unless people have questiosn to ask me

see you people in 25 mins

I feel safer on neko than I do on anyone else

repeat it one last time for me

CatsTM might be jester

@Trochilidae @Italy Votecount plox

Cats and neko probably get d1d and d2d regardless of either of their alignments but I think if we vote neko we lose day 1 less

Fair enough yes

No. I don’t even remember what we’re talking about any way.

oh god i leave to go to target for one minute
ok gimme a sec

Bye guys, i have to go shopping at target, give me a second


If I had to slap a Jester label on someone for postgame cred then it would probably be Copvig

Wrong. Cuddling me D1 loses you all the info I have.

whoosp already posted it on this account