Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!


/vote CatsTMGirl

im confirmed neutral bus driver cop i redchecked them last night

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btw you have exactly 2 spelling errors in your flavor

nyan-chan also spewed town

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dont think neko spews are trustable


They thought early on that Nyan was jester

aint telling
go find em

anyways lol double bus

lets quickhammer cats

I’m at nyan/bake still v/v
nyan very strongly and bake still… relatively strongly

I think i musjudged their style and character at first but when I look at it without that type of filter I feel comfortable calling them town (even with their shenanigangs irt nekomancer at EoD)

/vote catstmgirl @Trochilidae

I don’t really think people should be exceedingly clear for voting neko as their was little to no chance they survive to endgame after my initial push.




i love everyone

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im fine with catstm

/vote catstmgirl @Trochilidae

It was clear they were bussed

have fun quickhammering me i guess

we gonan literally quickhammer


i’m town
change da world
my final message

im confirmed neutral bus driver

cats payed me 50 v bucks to run over neko

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catstmgirl - 3

It was clear they were in antispew but why specifically bussed (+ what do you get from that conclusion)