Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

I’m okay chopping anywhere outside of Nyan / Purrly / Girlcat

jester nightless

one of two setups where yeeting the towncore is optimal


I was on my walk okay u_u

why would you be?

I’m fine with getting yeeted

please locktown me so we can kill Chibi and win this game

Stable the town core gamers

In any case
Bake-san is towncored even more than before from their handling on Neko-san

Because if you’re assuming I’m either jester or town, and jester dies D4… :upside_down_face:


only I have the power to pull this card

and pull this card I… might

so me is the one you have to be talking to :^)

I never said you are either jester or town

i said you are in a 2 person pool of jester

If you really think my D1 with neko was theater you’re funnier than I thought :blue_heart:

Accused Voting Votes
ChibiCat Bakeneko 1/4
Not Voting Girlcat, joycatgirl, Nyan-chan, purrelywholesome, Chibicat, CatgirlCopvig 6

This feels like a strange thing to defend from because it’s not a real dig at you.

Are you saying you would have participated had you been there?

Girlcat is jester gg

/vote purr @Trochilidae

Sleeping lol bye

yes cuz ull be dead

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I had a post typed out but I just discarded it and put “whatever” instead


catching jester by poe :flushed:

Or something :wink: