Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

Fm speedrun ig


us going to quickhammer another villager literally seconds after day began

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alright so we need to put our balls together now

@joycatgirl who is scum

@ChibiCat who is scum

I’m gonna quickly look through lolnekointeractions brb

Atm I’m at, like, 70% joygirl 20% bakeneko 10% you

but i’m also kinda hopped up on adrenaline so its hard to think

I’m totally mafia when I’ve been
encouraging town to kill me so we can leave obvtown


Let’s not hammer again brb

no we got our hammer fix

we wait for the juicy f3 snapvotes and take our time here

I have a better idea

let’s just randomly hammer someone who isn’t me because then we have like a 50% chance of winning

I like them odds


It’s not nyan

Unless nyan legit hardbussed neko

Still doubt


I’m going with my gut

/vote Chibi


@Bakeneko we need yoy

Accused Voting Votes
ChibiCat Nyan-chan 1/3
Not Voting joycatgirl, ChibiCat, Bakeneko 3

/vote chibi @Trochilidae

Bake come





we’ve had our fun but

we have to actually get serious