Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

they already are

but im illiterate so im not like 99% sure my opinions count

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Hate that I literally can agree with this

I can’t detect sarcasm, I can’t read, and uhh

I can’t write either?

btw guys, i was lying @joycatgirl is clearly the illegal trochi alt

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:joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: ah shit

I’m have to go w my mom to pick up my sister so I’ll come back to thread l8r

cya :smile_cat:

posts that are "memes" but aren't

in conclusion
nyan-chan is jester candidate #1 (so far)

they don’t exist

in fairness it was a skim so i could have missed it
but if they do exist
quote it

nyan of those are… phrased as memes? Those all seem like “real” posts, even if phrased in a mildly insufferable way.

why did you ignore the fact i dropped the argument because it was a weak read and i knew it was pointless to argue

why did you ignore the fact i said “What youre doing is anti-town, but it does not make you anti-town”

explain this or you will be lock wolf

Im gyay

there wasn’t a post in your ISO saying “i’m gonna drop the arguement”
instead you diverted it
not the same

you’re still pushing them for no reason


So why did you say "posts that are ‘memes’ but aren’t’? What were you trying to imply / get at?

this post is cringe

@ChibiCat do I even need to explain why this is a :wowee: of a post

they claim they are memes later on
but they aren’t

im pushing them in obvious shitposts

again, why are you ignoring the posts where i say my read is weak

they exist?

quote them for me
i didn’t see them in my skim
