Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

I mean yes, but I’m confused because I’m pretty sure I’ve never mentioned that alias around you

leafia gets pissed off if you dare scumread her in any way





tell me who u are >:(

its either under your MU AKAs or i just remember it from reading games on ToS cause i was/am interested in playing there

or both

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Fair enough

I did think that at one point but I didn’t say it cuz my partner wouldnt get it

so did i actually do anything to achieve this victory in any way

or was game won at rand

Did I play? Take a guess

my ego is fragile send help




but I don’t think we’ve ever played before
pleasure to meet you

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no because you were in spec chat with us :slight_smile:

im still curious why people thought i was jester

because i was just doing what i normally do as town

My guesses

Girlcat - appel
joycatgirl - min (lol)
CatsTM - eli
Copvig - ??

You were obvtowning and thus prevented yourself from getting cuddled over Marshal

You made posts