Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

Playing a 9’er was actually really refreshing
I’ve been mostly deep in 17+'ers and I can see why people don’t like them

i wanted to make the jester cat with human ears but decided against that early on

Should have been Trochi as the jester flavor

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Wow this game ended fast.

oh god no why

The joke writes itself

You can silence me but you can’t silence the truth

fuck it shoulda been

orange boutta plug mime9

lolhammering is optimal for town

Please don’t make fun of me for either guess

i’m stealing that for catgirl jester nightless 2

Actually tho not sure deleting most of my posts was the move

Oh well, nobody seems to have seen so no harm done?

What did you post

how di you



if you quickhammer at the start of every day then you have a 33% of winning

quickhammering is +ev

i was cats tm girl
this was the fastest game in the west

Obviously since the posts weren’t written by a villager


why did you think i was jester

i was obvs town because i am town

That the rules of the game were clearly edited and a screenshot of me (identity censored) saying I’d only join if the rules didn’t change