Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

read your iso over again
and tell me that is memes

Not too sure who could be the jester or who the doggirls are yet so not voting quite yet. I likely won’t vote until tomorrow IRL world at the earliest.

a jester wrote this post

you are frustrating me for no reason
this is a jester tactic
to frustrate people for no reason
this leads me to believe you are jester

Ah yes

I’ll hard defend my scumbuddy like not even 100 posts into the game


nekomancer currently giving “makes 60 posts over the course of the game and dies in final 3 regardless of alignment” vibes

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I’m getting the feeling that either CatsTMGirl or Nyan-Chan is the jester though.

like if you are town

take a step back and think

“why am i arguing someone isnt joking, when in context they are obviously joking. EVEN WHEN THEY SAY THEY ARE JOKING”

That wasn’t an nyaccusation of w/w.

Why did you take it as such

let me
show you the posts that do not come off at memes at all

oh i already did that

joycatgirls iso isnt full of memes

yet you nullread them because of it

explain thyself jester

My mistake tbh

I see white knight and think that means w/w

you call THIS not memes?
compiles iso



that last sentence was obviously a joke


don’t get why you guys don’t believe chibi isn’t jester

I really see jestery vibes from them imo and I’ve explained why

but Joy I guess

Can we please get back on track to finding those dasturdly doggirls people?

could you explain why

also what do you think CatsTM alignment is

fuck no

in this stage of the game, finding the jester is more important than scum

That sounds like something a doggirl would say honestly.

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