Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

ChibiCat is funny

we dont elim them today

Just look how youā€™ve been acting up until now. Youā€™ve been randomly accusing multiple nekos without any evidence to back it up. Then there was the argument with CatsTM that you refused to stop and the fact that youā€™re pushing for my cuddle. It stinks of TMI that Iā€™m not jester to me. Town or mafia would be a lot more cautious than youā€™re being right now.

alright this is factually false and you know it.

Because I got curious. Why do you think I checked?

Iā€™mā€¦ im sorry? What?

It isnā€™t false and everyone knows it.

If Nyan isnā€™t jester, why are they so eager to cuddle a likely jester?

So I wonā€™t be discussing with you because youā€™re arguing in bad faith.


Accused Voting Votes
nekomancer Nyan-chan, joycatgirl, Girlcat 3/5
CatsTMGirl CatgirlCopvig, ChibiCat 2/5
purrelywholesome nekomancer 1/5

donā€™t be afraid to ping me for a VC update

Girlcat V

they have good posts
good mix of casuallness and reads that donā€™t seem bad faith

and thereā€™s this

Iā€™d think youā€™d remember who youā€™re voting for if youā€™re trying to push an agenda (they were voting for nekomancer, who the thread generally seems to have a negative opinion on)

Because if youā€™re a jester it would be really important for you to know

can we quickhammer nekomancer-chan

We both know that youā€™re the jester here Nyan. Otherwise, your vote wouldnā€™t be on me right now.

No. Quickhammers are bad.


dont think this should be considered scum/jester-AI against nekomancer

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I mean, even a brief skim through the OP confirms itā€¦ which everyone should have read.


i actually still have my vote on you because youre acting so insanely jestery a part of me feels like you are mafia whos faking jester even though that strategy makes absolutely no goddamn sense

because why would the jester do all of this stuff? Wouldnt they try to be a tiny bit more subtle? I donā€™t know I cant fucking read jesters

good thing i dont read ops

I personally disagree since itā€™s so important for the jester to know, but I get your point.

Then why would I do it? Doesnā€™t what Iā€™m doing make it more likely that Iā€™m town then?

I mean, like, itā€™s important information for town to know because strategy changes relatively substantially if jester wins if they get themselves to l1