Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!


From your perspective, is there any posts that you can see that others may think are scummy? Be honest, because everyone does it.

i donā€™t care at the moment
i think you are scum
thatā€™s the point

and yes
i am hopping on the wagon after reading iSO

Of my posts? Thereā€™s a few honestly. Namely the LAMIST ones, but you need to understand that Iā€™m just desperately trying to survive here when it seems at least half the town is against me.

No it isnā€™t the point because you need to cuddle both scum to win. Not just one of them.

Iā€™m not good at explanations. Especially with so little time in the day left. Iā€™ll explain tomorrow if I survive today.

i know
but it is the point because if you are scum we are 1/2 of the way there

we canā€™t yeet both scum in one day

Could you specify these?

No it isnā€™t because half of the way there isnā€™t there.

reminder that no hammering

I will tomorrow if I survive today. Too close to EoD to do so right now.

We have about two hours

I never said we could.

CatsTMGirl is clearly scum here too.

It would take longer than that for me to explain.

give me a shallow explanation

Now please, get your votes off of me already. They donā€™t belong on me.

tinfoil time

nekomancer is scum going into anti-spew mode to try to clear CatsTM

I canā€™t because even that would take longer than we have.