Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

me resisting the urge to ping joygirl so we can quickhammer someone again

joygirl has already voted ChibiCat

oh shit yeah

quickhammer tiem

jokes aside

@ChibiCat can you make NAI wallpost of all your thoughts about Bake and Joygirl

i should probably discuss shit with joycatgirl first

Picture this:

You are bakeneko. Your partner, nekomancer, has fallen entirely flat. The thread is screaming for their head.
They arenā€™t going to live to final 5 at this point. They are flailing.
Now what do you do?
Do you plow them down and ride the towncred to the end
Or do you, at the eleventh our, extend a hand out to them?
This is just a really goddamn weird angle to take if wolf.

Picture this:

You are bakeneko
You are a catgirl
A person today has been deemed incredibly wolfy by everyone. They are flailing, seemingly fighting for their life, while everyone is taking the piss out of them
They seem sure the slot is wolfā€¦ but you arenā€™t so sure.
You lay out these paranoias in a post and end up voting off of the wagon.
Thisā€¦ plausibly makes sense.

Alright, and any other posts?

Iā€™m busy calm down I dont pump out wallposts like money

ill be back in a few hours, maybe less

Youā€™re making it really hard for yourself to survive in F3 if joycat doesnt flip red, chibi

Are we flipping me

I donā€™t like the way ur saying that

Seems like you know Iā€™m gonna flip town

At this point iā€™ve accepted that and am confident we win going me -> joycatgirl or joycatgirl -> me

Iā€™m willing to lose if iā€™m wrong on either you or nyan and I find it unlikely I am

iā€™ve been doing things nonstop for a few hours so I havenā€™t really had time to wallpost, I will when im more free

Iā€™d probably want joycatgirl to go first for my pride but I am okay with going down as long as you guys promise me you kill them next

If bake is wolf then fucking


ill have infinite respect for whoever you are

I literally donā€™t like this idea and I donā€™t like the way bake is talking

if nyan is wolf then lol

Sell bake to me then

why is the slot wolf

what do you have to say against my points in favor of them

Theyā€™re literally saying ā€œif joy is town when they flip chibi is scumā€ lol and ur just gonna go with that? Am I just getting flipped here lol

might want to quickedit that one bucko