Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

I mean I will say that I hard buried neko before anyone else and it’s possible it was all done for fake


I dont know what to say
i’d vote me in this situation

yesterday felt like chibi pushed joygirl because thats what felt right

then realized that she was fucked because then she goes into F3 with tow obvs town

Nyan fuck u if u are a wolf

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neko was going down, this means nothing

I was the one who made them go down

no you werent

it was a group effort

I literally buried neko so deep that they were never endgaming

I was the one who said to stay the course

but whatever

there’s a really solid argument for nyan town because neko played well

fuck u nyan-chan

fuck me i agree

look guys im gay

modkill chibi i saw her at a straight pride parade shes lying

I was there to beat up the straight children

anyways gl

while i would like to think about it its jsut gonna give me anxiety

pls dont be mad at me town

/vote Chibicat


Anyways, what else can I say. I called this yesterday, yall didnt listen. I towncored Bake and Joygirl and yall didnt listen.

So now kill Chibi

gg nyan

you played a hell of a wolfgame

are u wolf?

im jester

Silence, cringelords!

The game has come to an end.


After about… twenty minutes you all come to an agreement, and decide that ChibiCat is the final doggirl.

They were…
