Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

/vote purr

@Trochilidae come on let’s do this

/vote purrlywholesome

end game before dinner @Trochilidae

nyan chibi obvtown

help I’m dying of laughter

this game is amazing


it’s been a literal minute

okay hush


You all immediately turn on purrely wholesome and beat them until they stop moving. Dark.

They were…

Vanilla Townie (Catgirl)


You might be a typical lazy catgirl, but that doesn’t mean you won’t do whatever it takes to remove the filthy canines in your midst! All you have is your vote and your meow, use it well nyan~
You win when all the doggirls have been exiled.
You lose if the Jester is executed before D3

Day 5 begins.

well alright

Okay so I’m being pocketed

the past few minutes defintiely happened

another one lost to the void

DIDNT think I’d be down here

Considering using rng to figure out who it is

yeah ngl i thought we just had that



you know what no regrets its their fault

we threw a hammer at them and they didnt dodge?? ?

thats throwing

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alright so we have a deepwolf

in hindsight the past 3 days might’ve not been smart in hindsight


Fm speedrun ig


us going to quickhammer another villager literally seconds after day began

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alright so we need to put our balls together now

@joycatgirl who is scum

@ChibiCat who is scum

I’m gonna quickly look through lolnekointeractions brb