Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!


This lack of nyactivity is concerning and I think if we don’t consolidate + pump it up for EoD shenyanigans bad things could happen, you know?

good news
i am here
bad news
neko wagon is justified after reading ISO

There needs to be some semblance of order in this game because, as it currently stands, it is super scattered.

Who I think we should kill today:

Nekomancer is fairly likely not jester when looking at these posts.

this extreme defensiveness and insistence that they are town is just not something i’d expect from a jester. Possibly one that’s playing it up but considering how I think this player plays I don’t think they are nyactively attempting not to be jester-read here. I’m atleast 95% confident on this specific read, pretty far above =rand.

I think when you look at nekomancer on a macro, their posts being overwhelmingly focused on the jester is ?probably? mafia TMI leaking through. Mafia can still solve for the jester and the only time there’s ever conviction behind reads is when it’s on specifically jester reads. The style of these jester reads are what i’d expect to come from this kind of player when looking at mafia reads as well, but it’s not really existent.

The slot’s reads on mafya are all over the place and have 0 progression and 0 reasoning. I normally wouldn’t even be concerned about 0 progression and 0 reasoning but their reads have swapped around a lot. There’s no tunnel behind it, no fire.

I think if we want to bag a mafya and put ourselves at an advantage, this is the yeet i’d go for.

Who I don’t think we should kill today:

CatgirlCopvig has little to go on but I think their jester equity is reasonably high considering game events.

I don’t… really fucking believe this at all but I think in the world that it’s fake its likelier to be jester purposefully justifying their own inactivity and slot in the PoE.

I can see reasonably how they came to the conclusion but I don’t actually think the logic holds water and has some serious holes.

This highlights the idea that they are pushing for pushing’s sake, which is a reasonable thought to have, but it immediately assumes that it’s because they are wolves doing theatre when, like, you could also very easily get to one of them being jester with that conclusion but that never is mentioned, which is weird because it outlined a decent premise but missed the mark when coming down to it. I find this lack of thought about the jester unsettling in that it might be TMI outright that neither are the jester. Meh.

Who else i’d be happy to see die today:

CatsTMGirl is very unlikely to be jester for reasons i’ve outlined. I disliked their very nitpicky pushing on NyanChan, felt decently bad faith, I gtg soon so you don’t get a wall on this one :slight_smile:

@Girlcat @joycatgirl @Nyan-chan @purrelywholesome @CatgirlCopvig @nekomancer thoughts? Check ins?

*and this doesn’t really come off as a meme to me

Nekomancer's Posts, Town Frame

This thought is natural in the sense where neko seems unsure about who wolves are but expresses random feelings about the jester. If this is town, I would expect scum to be a bit more blocky…?

Still performative, no matter how you look at it. If I had to justify this post from V!Neko, then I’d say they just wanted to feel assertive and powerful with this.

I think it’s interesting that neko believes that nyan is jester, calls them out for a mafia-thing. They don’t seem to wolfread them tho

It seems like a random independent thought

I don’t think a player like this would make gutreads like this. The alternative would probably be a scumread based on some reason. It could be good or bad, doesn’t really matter.

Classic townie confidence

I think it’s sensible for there to be a change of opinion considering that was early D1.

It’s a change of opinions, but again that doesn’t really mean anything given the context. I think that there is an effort from this player to make independent reads, and while they have not explained or justified all of them, I could see the progression.

Dont really care for the the last few posts they are a defense/explanation

Nekomancer's Posts, Wolf Frame


Seems like that nekomancer doesn’t have an elim target in mind yet. I think the Jester focus is more likely to come from Mafia because Mafia’s main fear is Jester

LAMIST, but in a performative way. What the fuck is this?

Establishes scumreads. I don’t think I can justify this as being scummy though.

LAMIST, Part 3

Complete shift in opinion. Why???

Congratulations, you townlean the consensus townleans.

I really don’t think this player is a jester.

Now… which frame makes more sense…?

/vote nekomancer @Trochilidae

l-1 be damned

this should die and if it’s town I don’t think it’ll be missed.

I want to talk about this, actually

@Bakeneko can you talk to me about why you felt catgirlcopvig-chan not jester, btw.

I remember you mentioning it earlier but I dont agree lol

i dont remember mentioning it

Nvm it was neko

Much less confused now :slight_smile:

could you go into more detail about this? Since I’m worried they’re the jester

also vote me for town team player btw, me arguing with random people has allowed us to solve the game

Basically they got incredibly pissed and combative when you pushed them on the basis of being the jester, in a way that doesn’t feel like caught jester but moreso someone who feels they are being pushed in bad faith on the basis of being jester.

I’m confident but even this seems a little… brazen.

I want to talk about their focus on Jester versus Scumreads

do i need to put /s when i make jokes

Ah ok, I get where youre coming from. I thought they were trying to deliberately push my buttons but I’ll trust a third party for this sort of thing.

Maybe, I have trouble with that sort of thing, my apologies.

Their multiple posts of neko being jester were in response to agreement

Which… is … well excitement which came from verification of their conclusion

I think one thing we can trust about nekomancer is that they genuinely believe neko is jester

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