Catgirl Jester Nightless - [2/nyan] - Day 6 - Town Wins?!

How much time left in the day? Also,branding is stressful, not funny.

one hour and four minutes remaining

catching up

As withall my previous posts, I reeaaally hate killing people for “not jester” rather than “scum”
The whole argument is about their jesteriness or lack thereof rather than actual scumminess, which is stupid and is how scum gets town killed

what can i do about this ):<

out you go

I kinda agree with people saying this is antispew!

They’re kinda just giving out their reads on people that they probably shouldn’t have a read on
yes im talking about myself there

current opinion:
nekomancer is flailing
chibi and girlcat are stupid

Anyone would be flailing in my position.

You might have been able to tell with my last 20-30ish posts, but if it wasn’t obvious already, I had some doubts about nekomancer that came along when I actually placed them in two frames. I’ll be honest in that I didn’t want to admit them though. I don’t like backpedalling on my conclusions

So let’s play Devil’s Advocate

Focus on the Jester?

You might notice that they worded jester before doggirls, which does seem to indicate a priority in them focusing on the jester. I do not dispute this.

This is awkwardly contradictory in a weird way, to me, I think it’s possible that nekomancer isn’t thinking about how they word their thoughts, but they are thinking about what their feelings actually are. Looking at it from a town PoV, I can see nekomancer feeling Joycat and Chibi as wolves, but lacking confidence to make a conclusion. Despite their appearance of confidence, they don’t seem to think that way.

These other points are just excitement in the verification of a conclusion they feel strongly about. I dont think it says a lot about their alignment.

The issue is, just because they feel stronger about a jester read, doesn’t mean it necessarily has to come from wolves? I can see a Town PoV from here.


The issue is, is that these reads are random, but I don’t feel like they are random in a shady way. They aren’t hoping on popular wagons. They’re changing their mind a lot, and they aren’t so much careful about how they present themselves in progression (though imo, this type of player wouldn’t have fluid progression as any alignment). The thing is that there seems to be little reason to have this bumpy of progression. They aren’t jumping on consensus wagons (until maybe a bit later on, but there’s an element of self-preservation there), but I think they sort of believe their thoughts a bit.

Y u bully me


one newspaper drubbing coming right up!

:newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll:

I don’t like losing to jester you meanie
Do you not have anything to worry about?

I also scumread them very heavily

But jesterness is something to consider and I believe it is mechanically accurate to play around the jester day1-day 3.

I’ve explained why.

What if their “antispew” is coming from a desperation to find a solid wolf candidate other than themselves, which, well, obviously isn’t very sound?

no you willager

we vote out our townreads to avoid the jester AFTER we kill a scum.

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Hi I’m back probably

Imagine we lose d1

And you believe there is no chance the person being blatantly wolfy is the jester?

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Posts like this still remain to be bad, ngl

is it bad that i dont care about us losing day 1 because that would be fucking hilarious

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Hi back probably. I’m Nekomancer.

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If your case is “x player is unlikely jester and nekomancer is likely jester, so we should dodge nekomancer at all costs” that’s fine but you have to explain why.

yes and I wholeheartedly disagree
killing non-jestery town until eod3 gets us to a 3v2, which is inherently stupid