Catgrill Night Jesterless - [2/7] - Jester won. Even two of them

kumagawa shrug

I can take a second look

cloned is still null to me and I’m going to sleep, might not be here for EoD

4 hours 44 minutes remain in day.

Official Votecount

Voted Voters Count
gorta Ami 1
Ami Light, Intensify 2
clonedcheese Marluxion 1
Marluxion clonedcheese 1
Intensify Gorta 1
---- KyoDaz 1

@Aelin @Intensify @Ami @an_gorta_pratai @KyoDaz we gotta decide on a yeet and quickly

Sheep meee on cheese

i wanaaaaa redeem myself from stickmin

would you deny a man a chance at redemption

if i’m wrong we can vote whoever yall want tomorrow
but if i’m right i get to chain the yeet for MAX Cred :eyes:

explain to me like 5 too miserable to use brain

he utr
solving in bad faith

lol k
/vote cheese

2 hours 8 minutes remain in a day.

Official Votecount

Voted Voters Count
Ami Light, Intensify 2
clonedcheese Marluxion, Ami 2
Marluxion clonedcheese 1
Intensify Gorta 1
---- KyoDaz 1

The absolute fuck
Why are y’all ok with this

Solving in bad faith?
I wonder who’s embodying that right now
There’s no real reasoning for marl to be voting me than “lmao” and they will just back off once this ML is done

And what the fuck do you mean, UTR and frozen
Its more scummy for you to be pulling this bullshit out of your ass in a low-content game

@people, how is this not an obvious ML

Hope i have enough time to do this

  1. I am the grill guard. If people really wanna CC me, go ahead
  2. /vote ami @eevee
  3. @Ami reveal now if you’re the IC lmao

Who’s your highest townread and highest scumread and give reasons

nonexistent, everyone is currently at null or below
the closest candidate would be Kyo for towny thoughts but it’s very weak

Marl for this extremely stupid push
Ami wagon is pretty weak but still it makes sense where people are coming from
Where the fuck is Marl coming from

Do you think Marl is being very hypocritical or just his reasonings big suck