Catgrill Night Jesterless - [2/7] - Jester won. Even two of them

Also who called it out lol
Was it aroot

Nah, imo better would be for them to reveal and make massclaim happen.

Thus creating a thunderome somewhere or clearing one more person (Depending on how scum place own claims)

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Massclaim would have made the scumteam like
Almost lock me/ami

Reeee hammer

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why wasnā€™t there a mass claim

Iā€™m so confused

Did miss it or something

I knew Marl was scum :smirk: wouldā€™ve dunked on him for sure

silence sjw

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I meant to say scw but that works too

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Nah Iā€™d have pocketed you d1

Press X to doubt
I have pocket paranoia :^)

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We are never talking about this game again

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Donā€™t worry, everyone will get it confused with Catgirl Jester Nightless

This game doesnā€™t exist.

It canā€™t hurt you

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I did so terrible and had absolutely no clue what I was doing
So I wanted to resort to sheeping gorta
Who was inactive for like quite a bit
And I had no clue why Intensify & Light were townreading me and so I thought they tried to pocket me and thatā€™s one of the reasons I wanted them killed because I had 0 qualities of a villager


Yeet my reads were on point


woman of my word
tossing booze once i get home

Wowee. Ami was scum and Kyo was tripping on his ego. Who couldā€™ve guessed.

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