Catgrill Night Jesterless - [2/7] - Jester won. Even two of them

I’d actually been wondering about text to int conversion on some things but couldn’t be bothered to do it
Looking at this makes me aware I wouldn’t have been able to do it anyway :wowee:

My computer science class never prepared me for this halp

im almost worried that you guys actually needed the code for it

good memes all around
i will say off the top my head I’ve had 1-2 drinks so I’m not in 100% sober mind
less fuckin do this

what i want @Marluxion to do is to explain his hate boner for cheese and for @Intensify to explain his for mine because i rly don’t get the case because the only way im scum from how i understand his case is if gorta is scum but ok lmao

light prob V
kyo slight V, don’t like how he just went “ok yea sure” when intensify and immediatly gave up pressure
gorta null, says he’ll do shit but at this point he can eat rope
cloned null, no content
marl slight w, don’t get his cheese hate boner
intesify-prob W (dae omgus). His case is based on me specifically being partners with gorta and sticking my head out for him when in reality i don’t like dumbassery which pressuring someone for content with sub-100 posts in the game and 2 hours in at the time.

/vote intesify

:pig: :pig:


can you elaborate on your reason for this? it’s the only one you haven’t given a reason for

one of my famous gut shot reads
give it 95/5 odds on town/scu,

okay I think Ami is town

I want to see the result of the replies to this before I decide my vote
I’m avoiding an Intensify/Ami wagon for today though
Also you forgot gorta existed


My ability to read existed
at one point

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Kyo said “we should probs lynch within Ami and Light” or something along the lines of that. I said “ok Light is more townier than Ami so far for me” so I voted you.

Also we have like a billion smol wagons and we should probs get rid of them.

So far I don’t really get townpings nor scumpings from you so I’m sorta fine with you execution.

How funny would it be if we were to quickhammer Marluxion

excuse me nani tf

im fuckin going to get more booze i goddamn need it for this thread

I understand Intensify’s logic is different but I don’t think you drinking more would be a good idea

Meh half the players are tree’ing.

My PoE is literally anyone but Kyo and Light and maybe Cloned.

Cloned seems little lost from his ISO which imma have to think about more

How do you manage to tree a 7p

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This is FOL what did you expect

i think its a great idea
i just grabbed my bottle
three roll estates has some good ass dark rum