Catgrill Night Jesterless - [2/7] - Jester won. Even two of them

spoilers are purely quotes

you found my most recent town game
find my most recent scum game

  1. 50% of the pciture
    2.i tend to play different comimng of breaks

most recent scumgame is hiac

whats hiac again lol

Hell in a Cell
full 10 months ago

oh lol that
where i quick hammered and memed all of day 2 lol

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it’s the one where you openwolved day 1 and then got dunked on :^)

yea lol that was fun
i knew i was fubar and went kamakize

but you probably shouldn’t have done that for my first scumgame

we got dunked on in lylo by sulit

git gud

my W/L is 4/28
is that not good enough for you


greatest fm plyer

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That is very impressive and saddening at the same time wow

It sucks because
i’m not that bad
i just get absolutely dunked on by my LUK stat (-3)

but yea lolmetain my not option
games too long in past

you’re too drunk for fm
any last words before i absolutely dunk on you

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cloned stop lurking
do you have any original opinions
