Catgrill Night Jesterless - [2/7] - Jester won. Even two of them

oh my god if you’re the IC this post is even funnier honestly

because it would’ve gone
turbo you → no yeet
because you’re the IC
that would have a) tilted me off the face of the earth
b) made me die laughing

It’s not like I softed a milion times

I wasn’t going to die

i didn’t look for any softs tbf
i’ve just been trying to find wolves
i figured ic would out if pressured anyway

you being IC actually is bad for the rand because i could already tell you were town from your tone


is tis a pocket?

so i think you and light are town
unless wolflight is just wimming it up really hard

both wolves are in Kyo / Ami / Intensify imo

no if anything you should be insulted because i just said you’re easy to read


(with content)

you were obviously townie this game though even without needing a derp clear
so i guess you can see that as a compliment

@KyoDaz @Intensify @Ami two of you are scum
if you’re town make it obvious for me pls

A kyo ami scumteam would be really funny tbh
because kyo reminds me a lot of young ami from like 3 years ago in how they play

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Good question.

It looks like this:




Town eevee’s bad joke.

You are lynchproof innocent child!

Lynchproof (Pasive) - You cannot be lynched.

Innocent Child (Day) - You can reveal yourself as member of catgrills by posting “Tf @eevee, how does even a child Catgrill looks like?” in main thread - 1 use



he do be a cat and a grill though

Shrug IC reveal.

That shrinks the PoE down to literally Marl and Ami neat

/vote Ami

you so realize if we screw up we just lose?

We don’t?

Scum has to kill every single one of us, not reach parity

no, they just need parity I think

oh wait, hold on, let me ask eevee

Are you sure?

In the OP it says their wincon is “Eliminate all members of the catgirll faction”