Catgrill Night Jesterless - [2/7] - Jester won. Even two of them


wait discourse only lets you type 3
what happened here

geyde if you werenā€™t being sarcastic there I have gained a huge amount of respect for you

itā€™s because of your opinion not because you used multiple exclamation marks to end a sentence unironically

discourse canā€™t contain my hype levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Modpowers probably

There are multiple HYPE ways to bypass it!!!!!!!




I am powerful now

Learning new things is HYPE!!!!!!!

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discourse is POWERLESS to stop forumers!!!!!!!!!

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We are the Hype!!!!!!!!!

All of you are dead to me.

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I voted for MVP even tho i wasnt in the game

@marshal has won the cringe award



I think I pulled it off to look not horribly incriminating out of context

I mean I donā€™t see how any of my play was egotistical

Yā€™all should expect nothing less anyway
I am notorious for being a bad villager:tm: without KP

I mean if I was in that position I wouldā€™ve voted Intensify no questions asked
But if I was scum obviously I would be concerned about my position

Thatā€™s where youā€™re wrong lmao
Asking questions is always a good thing
+I donā€™t usually self-pres