Catgrill Night Jesterless - [2/7] - Jester won. Even two of them

not really, but my mind is clouded right now

Light seems really aggressive not sure how I like it

The frustration can be very real to be honest, and to be honest since itā€™s on Gorta it makes more sense.

However at the same time Gorta is a very easy target I thinkā€¦



If my English teacher was here she wouldā€™ve killed me for this

These are decent thoughts, and, yes, I am being more aggressive than I usually am. But itā€™s hard to read someone when they have five posts of content per day.

game has been running for 2 hours what crack are you on

Iā€™m running on the crack of gortaā€™s post/content ratio last game

Fair enoughā€¦

Will you be this aggressive against Gorta specifically this game because he specifically slanks or should we expect you to be more aggressive in general this game?


chief its been two hours

you donā€™t need to pressure for content that early
At least wait 24

Ami, does this mean you believe Gorta will eventually provide actual decent content during this day?

it doesnā€™t matter how much pressure you put on me, Iā€™m not doing anything until my head clears

What reason do I have to wait?

the point stands
pressuring for content 2 hours in with the actual game being sub-100 posts isnā€™t fucking needed

Of course itā€™s not needed
But I am aware I will have to fight gorta for him to do anythjng

Even if itā€™s Gorta?

then fucking hang him
better to simply deal witha problem than try to pull teeth

i dont fucking care who it is
theres not much thoughts to give when we arenā€™t rly past RVS and shitposting phase

So youā€™d rather just kill him without trying to evaluate his alignment? Interesting.

Alright thatā€™s fair.

By the way, do you think Lightā€™s frustration towards Gorta is real or faked?

what is there to fucking evaluate