Catgrill Night Jesterless - [2/7] - Jester won. Even two of them

omg I’m going to organise a cheer leading squad for gorta

You go do that I guess…

wait no
not cheerleading
simp squad
the gorta simp squad


okay i’m back
now let me grab the posts from SFOL65 i was talking about before i sleeped

In both games i’ve noticed intensify doing these low engagement questions with no follow up thoughts or analysis.

Like he responds to the answers but they dont go anywhere.

Both games he had some fluff at the start but it’s probably NAI.

His reaction to getting pushed here is also very similar to SFOL65, albeit in sfol65 he fought way less because he was mechanically always the correct vote otherwise town could lose d1.

It’s hard to compare the two games because one was so heavily mechanics based, but the vibe from his opener in both felt near identical

I don’t plan on getting off of Ami, and if I do, I’m going onto Kyo. So, if you’re trying to appeal to me, you’re looking in the wrong place.

I’m still solving for myself, i’m not sure where i’m voting yet

ami obvtowning herself would be hella helpful right now if they were town

my main thing that makes me not so sure on the ami case light presents is that Ami is a more random player and things can change in a few months

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yeah ami hasn’t played in a long time it seems so i can def see her as lhf

anyway, I want to look at everyone again before I place my vote and sleep

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@Aelin @Ami @Intensify tagging purposes

like I said
so many of the things she’s done have been bad

  • Cognitive dissonance regarding early-game pressure
  • Anger at people pressuring for content
  • “You don’t know how to read me. I don’t know how to read me.”
  • “I haven’t looked at my rolecard, oh lol look im town!”
  • “why should we kill cheese” - votes cheese at eod despite nothing new joining the case
  • case on intensify was based off of things I did, yet they claimed a 95% confident town gutread on me
  • “I have no meta because i took a short break”
  • “where’s my CW come on that means im not scum”
  • “stop trying to case people. your poe is wrong. youre wrong.”
  • “oh btw i think its int/light” - votes intensify - “if light is wolf intes is wolf”
  • “lol you can bus light now”
  • “i dont actually want to say i read you scum so ill just say i poe’d you despite not explaining why the people who helped me hammer gorta are townier than you”

even if you disregard meta
she’s still incredibly scummy

I made it small and compact for everyone
feel free to tell me if you think im misinterpreting anything

So, for starters, I am lost as can be now. Intensify is my biggest scumread and will likely be my vote, but at the same time I’m not sure how I feel about Ami’s confidence. I don’t know where to place it, as it’s either pig headed town or TMI. I really don’t like Light’s tone and it semi reminds me of how he was in my last game we played in which he was scum. Kyo just seems opportunistic (and I can point very specific things out later if we don’t lose today). Intensify’s tone is just off this game and usually I can find him insta town or scum, so that leaves me for pause. Marl is my biggest townread right now, basically, if Marl is scum then gg because I am so lost and we aren’t putting effort out like we should. (I take some of this blame)

this also kind of throws me off about Kyo, because I am the last thing that should be leading us through the darkness

you know what, I’ll try to be around later