Play to your win
Don’t talk where you are not supposed to
Don’t be toxic
There will be 3 rounds that all last as long as they need to.
During each round there will be 2 sets of 2 groups. 2 pay groups and 2 rival groups.
You may talk to the other members of your play group as much as you like during a round but you may not talk to the other group.
Each play group will have a gold pot with 1 gold. Starting with a random player each person in the group will take turns either adding another gold to the pot or taking the pot.
That’s either /Pass or /Take
If you choose to take then you get the full amount of gold in the pot. The other person will get half of the gold in the pot rounded down.
If the pot reaches above 100 then both players will get 98 gold and the round ends for them.
Once both groups have ended their rounds anyone who got more gold then their rival gets a point for that round
Most points at the end wins.
If you go first then your rival will also be going first.
Your rival will never be in your play group.
To Join
To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want