[CFM] Adiart Love Letter Mafia - Game end - town win

We kind of have to lynch today if that true plurality is anything to believe.

/vote Simon

If Simon doesnā€™t flip scum then gg.
Heā€™s the only person here besides CuteAlch who could be wolf.

Is No Lynch a valid vote?
If not, what happens if everyone abstains? Do you roll a 1d5 to determine who dies?
What I am asking is, is there any possible way no one dies from hammer after a day phase?

Why do you clear SoulShade now?

I think these posts just damn them

Iā€™m not clearing them.
I believe that the correct lynch is Simon, but a scum!hunter cutealch means we lose if Simon flips town.

Read Soulā€™s interaction with Isaac.
Isaac was clamoring for Soul to unvote them.

I donā€™t see them doing that if Soul was their teammate

Okay . . .

He then goes into panic mode after this

@Soulshade55r any luck contacting cutealch

@Maxwell Thereā€™s actually pretty good reason to clear cutealch

And now this makes me slightly sus of you

it was a complete typo.

Cutealch wasnā€™t online for n2

This is straying into angleshooting territory though

I donā€™t want to vote. I just said Iā€™m up for it if you are.

I trust your claim. And Iā€™m willing to out if I need to even if it would make me useless.

How does it make you useless?

That was basically outing right there.

Any more info and Iā€™m really outed.

Thinking about it now, scum could really only be Simon or you, so all the information you got would be helpful