[CFM] Adiart Love Letter Mafia - Game end - town win

Now I have Hunter

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This is p funny

have soul or cutealch claimed?

i want to know possible mechanics at play here if possible

Probably isn’t scum Hunter then

so then scum what?


you should have claimed second priest

Now it doesn’t matter what card scum has

so we’re no longer in mylo. cool

who do you suspect now?

Very likely to be a frame play

That fuckin timing

well, if we’re no longer in mylo and its either me or max, just hang us both

I don’t believe scum would out hunter here.

id prefer to be second, but it doesnt matter that much

Given the timing it basically has to be Maxwell or Simon

Well who is it between us?

What do you mean

Set a timer, your welcome.

well i mean im not sure why scum would do that in general.
they almost surely dont have hunter, otherwise they’d just hunter you

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