[CFM] Adiart Love Letter Mafia - Game end - town win



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Gee gee no ree

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OwO hewwo there

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I need a cohost due to health reasons.

Thinking if I should co-host :thinking:


/co-host since I am kindaā€¦free.


Feel better!

I canā€™t though


Answer me in pm finaly @Insanity

hey so apparently ill be gone most of tomorrow and some of sunday, as well this evening. im might be available during the nights but thats not consistent

Iā€™m sorry for the delay, I got a health issues and the game was slightly delayed cause of it (had to cancel other one due to it as wellā€¦ uh).

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well im back from that thing now so i should be active for my normal hours the rest of today


Since @Geyde didnā€™t manage to start this game on time, I will be the one sending the rolecards.
Donā€™t worry, I wonā€™t see what Iā€™m typing so there wonā€™t be issue with me seeing rolecards despit ebeing in a game.

But arenā€™t you in game

/out as host
/join as player


Updated OP

i dont know how the flip you did this.
my world is falling apart

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What kind of reverse psychology is this :eyes:

I just wanted to play since Geyde decided they wanted to host.
Itā€™s pretty simple