[CFM2] Banned Chat

Leafia is still a little… weird, sure, but interactions with 2 basically outted wolves makes me think that she’s prolly villager

How did I manage to get away with lolcatting and openwolfing
I have no idea how I did that

I knew once I wasn’t being hung for that it was no longer
“Is it just me or am I fucked”
it was
“Is it just me or is the entire town fucked”

Alice has way too much thread presence for town to do anything

She overwhelms everyone

so kyo you were wolf? or not? i’m confused

I was town. Unfortunately

I told people to not let a neutral run the thread and gave Hippo town leader

She uses caps so much I don’t even want to deal with that lol

Don’t understand how I wasn’t scumread though I did jackshit

No I was going to continue with my open wolf claim in this dead chat if scum ever had a chance of resurrecting someone
I hoped it’d be me
I didn’t really have anything else to add here anyway

Like compared to Insurgence (WHERE I WAS LYNCHED FOR LACK OF CONTENT) I did no reads list, 4 half asses isos and I got away without being in the bottom of nay reads list after day 2 start


kyo might be a villager

maybe not but maybe so

not really going to listen to him that much

Because doing nothing was better than 50% of people

guys since I died I cant win the writing prompt thing so here’s what I did

One morning of september Sulit told me to join her in order to play Forum Mafia
Now I’m stuck with Leafia

Eevee is quite the cool mod to play with
Actually I don’t know, I haven’t played much on this forum, this game is my fifth

At first this game was cool now I don’t know what this has become
I’m starting to think everyone else might be scum

This is the sixth event I’ve signed up for
Arete, If I don’t win this, be careful next time you open your front door

I spent so much effort… finding rhymes… all of this to die in an event…

all these events seem fun i’m sad I missed it

hopefully I get to go bacc

I thought sulit was an executioner with that read on me
Then we had Derps tunnel me with illogical or no reads at all
Then we had oB_L1ght follow a neutral to try and kill me
Then we had N.1 magically scumread me (which I’ve now figured out was because he’s scum)

I honestly laughed at most scumreads made on myself
I am still confused at where they managed to get them

FWIW at least we got N.1 who -according to the masses- should be scum.

I mean I hope he is scum becuase otherwise he gamethrew lol