[CFM2] Banned Chat

It is kind of funny how Alice kicked Solic around for basically the entire game like a deflated football

Somehow I don’t think Solic will agree with you here.

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Define your wincon first. Is it to kill everyone, or to kill all town and scum? Can you even win with Marshal?

Because if he can’t win with you, then a 50% chance of living is better than a 100% chance of losing.

did you read the thread
marsh’s wincon is to survive to see town lose

Which means Alice winning as NK and Marshal surviving means they both win.

correct yes

P sure we’re fucked @Zone_Q11

I did, but I did not pay attention to details.

Even if Alice is a penta-voter, it’d be meaningless if she needs to kill everyone.

nk’s wincon is only to survive to defeat all threats to the nk

It’s over
It could be argued that marsh would be gamethrowing by defying alice’s threat

game should be called tbh

Yep. Pretty sure Town is more fucked than us though. Only Tech is alive, and he needs to choose who gets to win: Alice or the Mafia.

Even by looking at this from an outsider’s perspective, letting a Neut win looks more interesting than letting scum win.


we need both marsh AND tech’s votes tomorrow to force rand

Alice will have four bots voting with her tomorrow.

Where are Alice and the mods to confirm this statement?

You are looking it from OUR perspective, but I am looking it from TECH’S perspective.

Regardless of who wins in rand, he will still be fucked. All that he needs to choose is who gets to fuck him, and all of town, over.

But the difference is by forcing rand he leaves it to the odds more
Which has an appeal to some

As marshal put it, choosing to not vote is inherently taking a side because it guarantees that one side will not have a chance, whereas by forcing rand you are not taking a side

Forcing rand is the only way to not take a side

So you are saying that it’s a battle of:

  • I want to let NK win because Neut wins are rare (Zone)
  • Fuck it. I am dead anyways. LET RNG DECIDE! \o/ (N.1)