[CFM2] Banned Chat

yay. geyde lets bitch about everyone else in game

who do u like least in the game

mister Iā€™m going to just completely ignore what you say and say my shit whenever I want
I got them in a twist and theyā€™ve never been able to escape


im sad mole outted i thught he weas having fun

when u know less ppl its less fun

i feel like some ppl only interact with ppl they know aswell sometimes

hi nerd

that was alpha as shit what you did

since chloe being medium checks out

(and I imagine appeal is a revive) iā€™ll just trust geyde here and fullclaim

i was frostwolf

my day abil gave the target of my night abil death immunity but made it so I couldnā€™t use night abil next night

my night abil was a roleblock

basically I could become a jailkeeper at the cost of having to no-action the next night

I used my day abil and jailkeeped alice cuz I thought she might die and I didnā€™t really care that I RBed her


kinda sad I died n1 but my reads were probably gamer so thatā€™s what iā€™m going with

I literally did say this dumbass

you dingus

it was literally in the post

I win a god damn event and it gets stolen from me and then I just die n1

luck aint on my side

We definitely werenā€™t scumreading u dont scroll up

Why u think ur ded?

Omg geyde can revive u at same time I revive myself

probably my reads being good / somewhat of a SPK

I donā€™t think it was any kind of claim or flavor or any other wolf conditional because there was only 1 kill

so i think wolves wanted to bury me out of a choice of multiple people and me being mostly on point is a decent possibility

To troll scum